Multi Datafeed

Every feed everywhere all at once!

Real-time subscribed datafeeds are required for trading a live account. You may need to pay a monthly subscription fee at the datafeed provider (which might also be your brokerage) in order to access this data. These costs are separate from your Guerrilla subscription.

At Tradier, data is free. At Interactive Brokers, it costs at least 6 USD per month for US equities and options. At Alpaca, data from IEX and filtered OPRA feed is free, while full equities and options data costs 99 USD per month. We have built Guerrilla in such a way that you can use Alpaca as your brokerage account but use Tradier as your datafeed provider, thereby reducing your monthly costs. Each datafeed has its pros and cons, and it is up to you as a non-professional trader to make the necessary trade-offs between costs, quality, completeness, and reliability.

Guerrilla also allows you to combine datafeeds. In the event that you like IBKR equities data the most, you can pay a subscription fee (~4 USD per month) for that data and use it in combination with free options data from Tradier.

To do this, follow instructions for Alpaca, IBKR, Tradier, and other datafeed providers to add a new datafeed.

Then, under the “Select Datafeed Pipeline”, choose which datafeed you would like to use for each data pipeline.

Multi Datafeed for Algo Trading Platform